Desert Clouds is a long-lasting friendship that travels through the chaos originated by those sudden streams of essence that only the universe can deliver.

Like Cosmic Dust, their sound spreads uncontrolled, sometimes unstructured, generating rough creations, essential either complex compositions…
Like a Supernova they explode, distorted, dramatically destructive, unconditionally raging…
They may suddenly turn dark like a black hole, swallowing even the furthest feeling but eventually still being source of new dimensions…
They’re also four, they’re based in London...

They sing with Cohen “Oh Suzanne” and scream “No Recess” with Cobain, they feel like “weirdos” with Thom Yorke, they agree with Barrett about the “Astronomy Domine”...

​They want to travel at “The Speed of light” along with their new single, towards those planets where live music is still out there and not just locked in some old dusty memories.
​Formed by David Land and Val Wallace in 2008, Desert Clouds "survived" several changes to their line up, which led them to explore many different genres throughout that time. The semi-acoustic album "The Floating Oar" along with the psychedelic stop motion video "Charred Home", marks their debut in the London underground scene, but it's when the drummer Andrea Orabona joins the band that they finally settle down and reach their full expression, producing the EP "Time Distortions" (2017) followed by The last single "Under Tons", released on the 4th of May 2018. With the bassist Julius "Little Eagle" Caesar joining at last, Desert Clouds are about to release their last work "Speed of Light" due on the 14th of September 2018.

Trigger Trap are a London trio formed in 2018. They drink booze, they bring bad news and they play Groovy Rock with a combined twist of Grunge, Stoner, Punk, Metal, Electronic, Rap and World Music. Approach carefully and beware of closed minded people.